About myself on TF2

  I am an average player on TF2, I started playing it in mid-2013. I played for about 400 hours in total, I was fervent at playing it in the first year but I seldom play it now. 
  However I will start playing TF2 again both for this blog and for entertainment. In my opinion, TF2 is one of the best MMO games I have played by far (same with LoL, but I suck at it). Team cooperation is really an important factor in winning a game, and what make this game stands out is that there are no 'best' items in this game. All weapons comes with pros and cons as many players may know, unlike games like CS that have pistols more OP than the others.

  The main classes I played in this game are heavy, scout and pyro. I am pretty good at taking on kills but I don't have team cooperation at all. So my score looks great but I often lose games. To sum up, I played TF2 like a singleplayer game, but the 'NPCs' is much much stronger.


  I was once a trader in TF2, I had never spent a coin on its store except the first $5 which is necessary for one to start trading. I am not a rich player but I owned all misc. I like :P. I had given up trading as it make me stressful instead of bringing my joy, and that is not what a game supposed to do.

  Hope you guys enjoy my blog, and you can support me by visiting it more or download my content. Just some money is enough to sustain this blog as I am still studying at high school and my expense is for paying the internet fee. 

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